archived R/MixedPoisson_PF.R

MixedPoisson_PF = function(trueParam, p, q, LB, UB, n, nsim, Particles, epsilon,  no_cores, UseDEOptim, nHC, useTrueInit){

  # PURPOSE:        Fit many realizations of synthetic Mixed Poisson data with an
  #                 underlying ARMA series using particle filtering.
  #   trueParam     true parameters
  #   p,q           orders of underlying ARMA model
  #   LB            lower bound for parameters
  #   UB            upper bound for parameters
  #   n             sample size
  #   nsim          number of realizations to be fitted
  #   Particles     number of particles
  #   epsilon       resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
  #   no_cores      number of cores to be used
  #   nHC           number of HC used for initial estimation
  #   df            parameter estimates, true values, standard errors and likelihood value
  # NOTES           no standard errors in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
  # AUTHORS:        James Livsey, Stefanos Kechagias, Vladas Pipiras
  # DATE:           June 2020
  # R version 3.6.3

  # ---- Load libraries ----

  # distribution and ARMA order
  CountDist = "Mixed Poisson"
  ARMAorder = c(p,q)

  # list with true ARMA parameters
  ARMAmodel = list(NULL,NULL)
  if(p>0){ARMAmodel[[1]] = trueParam[4:(3+p)]}
  if(q>0){ARMAmodel[[2]] = trueParam[(4+p):length(trueParam)]}

  # Generate all the data and save it in a list. Also compute all initial points
  l <- list()
  initParam <- list()
  for(r in 1:nsim){
    l[[r]] = sim_mixedPoisson(n, ARMAmodel, MargParm[1], MargParm[2],MargParm[3] )
      initParam[[r]] = ComputeInitMixedPoissonAR(l[[r]],n,nHC,LB,UB)
      initParam[[r]] = trueParam

  # initiate and register the cluster
  cl <- makeCluster(no_cores)

  # fit the Particle Filter likelihood using foreach
  all = foreach(index = 1:nsim,
                .combine = rbind,
                .packages = c("FitAR","countsFun","optimx")) %dopar%
    FitMultiplePFRes(initParam[[index]], l[[index]], CountDist, Particles, LB, UB, ARMAorder, epsilon)

  # Prepare results for the plot.
  df = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = nsim))

  names(df) = c('p.true',

  # fix me generalize this
  # true values
  df[,1] =  trueParam[1]
  df[,4] =  trueParam[2]
  df[,7] =  trueParam[3]
  df[,10] =  trueParam[4]

  # estimated values
  df[,2] = all[,1]
  df[,5] = all[,2]
  df[,8] = all[,3]
  df[,11] = all[,4]

  # standard errors
  df[,3] = all[,5]
  df[,6] = all[,6]
  df[,9] = all[,7]
  df[,12] = all[,8]

  df[,13]   = 'particle'
  df[,14]   = n
  df[,15]   = all[,9]
  df[,16]   = all[,10]
  df[,17]   = all[,11]
  df[,18]   = all[,12]


# i = 60
# x0 = initParam[[i]]
# X  = l[[i]]
# ARMAorder = c(1,0)
# ParticleNumber = Particles
# optim.output <- optimx(par           = x0,
#                        fn             = ParticleFilterRes,
#                        data           = X,
#                        ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                        ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#                        CountDist      = CountDist,
#                        epsilon        = epsilon,
#                        lower          = LB,
#                        upper          = UB,
#                        hessian        = TRUE,
#                        method         = "L-BFGS-B",
#                        control        = list(dowarn = FALSE))
# ParmEst = c(optim.output$p1,optim.output$p2,optim.output$p3,optim.output$p4)
# loglik   = optim.output$value
# H = gHgen(par       = ParmEst,
#           fn        = ParticleFilterRes,
#           data      = X,
#           ARMAorder = ARMAorder,
#           CountDist      = CountDist,
#           ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#           epsilon        = epsilon
# )
# ifelse(H$hessOK,H$Hn,NA)

# i = 60
# x0 = initParam[[i]]
# X  = l[[i]]
# ARMAorder = c(1,0)
# ParticleNumber = Particles
# ParticleFilterRes(x0, X, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon)
# # #
# # #
# # FitMultiplePFRes(initParam[[1]], l[[1]], CountDist, Particles, LB, UB, ARMAorder, epsilon)
# optim.output <- optimx(par            = x0,
#                        fn             = ParticleFilterRes,
#                        data           = X,
#                        ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                        ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#                        CountDist      = CountDist,
#                        epsilon        = epsilon,
#                        lower          = LB,
#                        upper          = UB,
#                        method         = "L-BFGS-B",
#                        control        = (dowarn = FALSE))

# ParmEst = c(optim.output$p1,optim.output$p2,optim.output$p3,optim.output$p4)
# loglik   = optim.output$value
# # compute hessian
# H = gHgen(par       = ParmEst,
#           fn        = ParticleFilterRes,
#           data      = X,
#           ARMAorder = ARMAorder,
#           ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#           CountDist      = CountDist,
#           epsilon        = epsilon
# )$Hn
jlivsey/countsFun documentation built on March 9, 2023, 5:19 p.m.